About Us
The Golden Step(TGS) is founded with great vision. We are inspired from great minds. As a responsible organization we are working on various services that will helpful for everyone. As era having bright future ahead, so we are constantly researching for future needs.
We have various challenges ahead for growing bright future. TGS is continouslty analyzing such challenges before it impacts on system. Our expert having knowledge in different domains and continuously research on elements.

Aware user about different cyber attacks and features for your data protection.
Safe Cyberspace
TGS have exclusive research and analysis lab. We are doing aggressive research, analysis using machine learning, artificial intelligence, cognitive science. We are doing continuous research to protect cyber information from malicious cyber threats. We inclined towards societies greatness and aware it with latest cyber threats, alerts, tips and tools. We provide numerous tools, services to educate online users created by our intelligent researcher.
There are no 100% solution on cyber-attacks but we can create awareness in user to take basic precaution while online. We can reduce risks by constantly informing new threats and challenges ahead for security. We are observing latest cyber-attacks and researching on protection strategy. Our goal is to make safe cyberspace for everyone.
Our Key Areas
Data Loss Prevention
Our Research Lab provide services which inform users about data breaches and aware Data Loss Prevention.
We encourage everyone for e-Learning and provide services to them as per requirement.
Cyber Security
Our Research Lab has working on Cyber Security and having solutions for many platforms.
Woman Empowerment
We encourage "Woman Empowerment" and working on ideas that will definitly helps woman.